...just turned into a young lady. At 7.5 months. Gone are the carefree days of puppy-hood. Heck, it's time to use
Carefree ...err if she was human!
I now understand what
MM keeps yapping about. Sort of.
(Runs away in angst.)
OMG! She is sooo cute!
Can I please showoff my own dalmation/mutt here?? My mommy pride cant just contain itself.....
I adopted mine when he was 1. I think I missed out on his puppy phase :(
I'm just going to see he's too good even before visiting your site. Dalmations rule!
Coming over for a look now :)
Hi Pallu,
You have a great blog. I hopped over here from Unmana's.
Love your sense of humour....
Gotta get back to reading the rest of your posts now :)
Much love,
Thank you, momofrs, for dropping by. I wish my husband appreciates my sense of humor as much as you do. He thinks I'm forever plotting to drive him crazy (and not in a good way)!
Aww! She is so cute! :)
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