Monday, November 10, 2008

Bringing up a family versus dumb ol' spawning

To my friend who gave the stupid argument, "Who are we to stop the natural flow of events?" when we were discussing about having children within a year of marriage: So would you just go on impregnating the poor woman that is your wife because you can't stop the "natural flow?" If you can stop it later, then why not pause for a while before? ... and maybe give a thought to why you want to have kids in the first place, how you want to bring them up, would you make a good parent, etc.

Now get this straight: I'm not pro-children or anti-children... to each his own. My point is: the argument was one of the dumbest I heard recently, that too coming from a guy... what makes them think they are logical and smart?


Mani The Monk said...

xcuse me !! thats just too biased to your own gender !! dont be a chauvinist lady...... lol !! hahaha...

Pallavi Sharma said...

Oh well, Mani, I don't believe that either gender is better, we're just different. I'm pissed at the way people with ideas like these like to call themselves smart and intelligent. When they come up with arguments like that it's not just about preference, it's downright stupid.

It would have been acceptable if he simply said that he and his spouse was ready to extend their family. But not interfering with nature... that's a dumb thing to say!

Anyway, I was just venting :)

Pallavi Sharma said...

Oh yes, he does that regulary. He's one of the most well-kempt guys around. Thanks for the point. Will use it in my next exchange with him on the topic, if he ever bothers :)