Monday, February 17, 2014

Wagentine weekend

Friday: What a day! Began with a rambling mail from a colleague that got me a bit tensed. Thankfully my manager intervened with a brief, sensible response. At work, you gotta love brevity!

In contrast another colleague was kind enough to acknowledge that he agreed with and liked an idea that I put forth when our manager asked for suggestions on presenting a certain type of information.

Then, I breezed through a few tasks assigned to me, which I would have otherwise put on hold until next week. I'm scared of taking on new items, because I don't know how long it would take to finish them. It helps to take time aside and estimate your workload, but being the procrastinator that I am, that too seems like something that can be done later. (Note to self: Grow up, dammit!)

I was supposed to participate in a rally to spread awareness about the proper way of addressing issues with stray dogs, but I couldn't go because of the workload. However, I kinda made up for it over the weekend by taking this awesome creature named Nemo to the vet.

This little guy has been fighting with multiple life-threatening issues since a month. A wonderful girl is taking care of his needs and giving him as much time and love and comfort as she can. The vet seemed to know which of his problems we need to tackle first so that the rest can be conquered one by one. For him, it's a matter of going ahead one breath at a time. I was awed and humbled by Nemo's spirit. He's such a sweetie pie. Here's sending out this wish to the universe... please give him the energy to see this struggle to the end and emerge a winner. Muah, Nemo!

1 comment:

Pallavi Sharma said...

(Hugs) Nemo's getting better each day! This week he slept peacefully after a long time, the medication helped, and he began pooping and eating well! A lot has to do with him being around people, and not in isolation like earlier, where he was kept because the previous vet had mentioned pneumonia.