Monday, August 27, 2007

Aug 25, 2007: A day of many Firsts

The past Saturday saw many things happening for the first time, including:
  1. The arrival of my in-laws at our house (strategically preceded by my mom's arrival the previous day :-))
  2. The delivery of our new car (safely driven home by my uncle) and the related -
    1. Successful parking experiment by my hubby
    2. Unexpected denting while retrieving the vehicle from the parking lot (shhh!)
    3. Uneventful drive by me
    4. Good ride by my friend Meg
  3. The meeting with my dear friend Meg in Pune since we both shifted to Bangalore (I shifted to Bangalore - she got married - she shifted to Bangalore - I got married - I moved back to Pune - waiting for her to move back)
  4. The meeting with our (Meg's and mine) dear friend TheBug and his new bride for the first time since they got married (I doubt his bride'll ever want another meeting again--we almost made TheBug yank her out of the bedroom to meet us in the parking lot and then didn't allow her to open her mouth!!)
These are the things, which, inspite of my illness kept me in high spirits through a sleepless night. Sadly, no pictures to go with this post, but I'm sure this will bring warmth when I read it over again in the future.

1 comment:

Pallavi Sharma said...

unmana: Thanks, and I look forward to meeting you sometime... once my chaotic situation has been silenced a bit.